What is the Best Time of Year to Have Your Roof Cleaned?
You already know that your roof needs regular roof cleaning services. However, it can be frustrating to have your roof cleaned only to find it back in its previous, dirty state just weeks later. This might make you wonder if it has something to do with the time of year you have your roof cleaned. Keep reading to find out what is the best time of year to have your roof cleaned.
What is the Best Time of Year to Have Your Roof Cleaned?
Depending on where you live, the current climate, and even the nature surrounding your home, there are better times to have your roof cleaned. For example, in Florida, we see lots of rain from May to October. Not only will it be more slippery for you, it’ll also be harder to remove moss and mold.
There’s no specific date that’s best for roof cleaning worldwide. Instead, you need to consider factors around your home to determine when the right time is.
Winter vs. Summer
In many regions, cleaning your roof in winter doesn’t just seem difficult; it can be downright dangerous. If you live in an area that gets freezing temperatures, snow, and ice, avoid cleaning your roof during the winter. However, if you live in an area like Florida that generally has fairly warm weather year round, winter might be the time for a roof cleaning.
This is because summers are extremely hot, which is intensified as you go on the roof to clean it. Also, thanks to the cooler and drier climate, the chemicals used are able to soak and absorb better instead of quickly evaporating.
People that live in areas where winters freeze and bring snow should look for warmer, milder seasons when cleaning their roof. Late spring and early summer will be warm and sunny, meaning that the roof has a better opportunity to properly dry.
At the same time, the weather won’t be so hot as to make cleaning the roof a daunting process.
After Rough Weather
You might think that a good strong storm would do the cleaning for you. While it might rinse off your car, it can bring more junk to your roof than it removes.
Remember that water isn’t all that’s hitting your roof. There’s also plenty of gunk that’s deposited along the way. All that organic material that flies around in a storm can get stuck in your roof, and make maintaining it even more difficult.
It can ultimately lead to mold and mildew growing in your roof, which can spread to the rest of your home.
Signs That Your Roof Needs Cleaning
It’s Seen Better Days
Sometimes, you can just tell your roof isn’t in the best shape. Maybe there’s nothing growing on it, and there’s no visible damage. You know how a new roof looks and yours could use some help. Basically, you can tell it doesn’t look clean.
It’s Growing Moss and Algae
Moss and algae might not always be visible from the ground. However, they often cause discoloration when they build up on your roof. Of course, if you can see moss, algae, or lichens growing on your roof, it’s definitely time to clean it.
It’s Streaky
As we mentioned above, moss and algae can discolor your roof. Algae, alongside mold, is a major culprit when your roof looks like it has black or dark colored streaks on it. Make sure you clean your roof before the algae spreads and leads to damage.
It’s Lifting
This is easier to see in the shingles of your roof. The shingles look raised, whether it’s some of them or most of the roof. If you see this, it’s most likely that debris is building up under the shingles, or that microorganisms are growing. At this point, they’ve built up enough to physically lift shingles, and the roof is due for a cleaning as soon as possible.
Not sure when to clean your roof? Base your decision on your climate, and the time of year you can expect warm, mild weather. You may not need to clean your roof as frequently if it’s new, but you should still aim to have it cleaned every couple of years to maintain it.