Interior Painting
The interior of your home and business need to be repainted regularly to maintain a fresh and modern look. How often you have this job done depends on the purpose of the space, the type of paint used and the quality of the work. If you own commercial real estate, you will probably be repainting the interior every time that you get a new tenant. As a result, you need a painting company that you can count on to provide the highest level of service at a reasonable price.
You will save yourself a lot of frustration and money if you hire H&R ProPainters to do this painting for you. In addition to offering skilled and conscientious technicians, we also emphasize client communication. We consult with you on what type of paint is best for the job. Running a daycare? You need durable, easy-to-clean, non-toxic paint. Creating a private in-home office? You want paint that will inspire your best efforts. We also make sure that we stay within your timetable and discuss any potential changes in the job with you.